
Does your dog get mad?

Posted by avatar on May 12, 2014

Do you ever find that when you leave your dog to go away, he/she is super mad at you when you return?

That’s what just happened to us. When we go away we leave our dogs with my mother in law, who lives on 10 acres of land. For the dogs it’s like going to camp. Sammy and Jake just LOVE going there. This time though we went to get them and Jake did not want anything to do with us. And to top it off he shat in my shoes! He has never done this before. I know he is getting old and really likes his routine. I also know he is not too happy with us bringing in Dennis to foster as Jake likes to be the only dog. He’s not aggressive towards Dennis or Sammy, I just know he likes to be the only dog since he was the only dog for so many years.

He is now being himself again but I wondered to myself how many other people have a dog or cat that acts the same when left under someone else care for a week. Makes me feel so guilty 🙁


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