Tag Archive: "News"


Last weekend in Sept…WOOF

Posted by avatar on September 30, 2013

Pamper Ur PetsAll Natural Organic Dog Treats
What an amazing weekend!

I had a great friend come visit and we toured around the city until our feet bled. The weather this weekend was amazing. Sunny, with a cool crisp bite of fall.

As we wondered about my friend said this is surprisingly a very dog friendly city. That’s when we came upon a super cool shop called Pamper Ur Pets. It has a gum ball machine where you get organic dog treats. How awesome is that… We had to stop to take pictures, way too cool.

I hear it’s raining in Vancouver, Keep happy and Dry.


Yorkie in New Yorkie

Posted by avatar on September 6, 2013

Yorkie in New YorkieDog lovers visiting NYC…While walking around the crazy hustle and bustle of NY, take a moment to enjoy the little treasured doggy parks.

I find it really interesting that in the concrete world of NYC, you will find little doggie parks that are designed like a kids playgrounds but for dogs.
These mini dog parks have fountains, mini pools and some even have a mini Jungle gyms. These Small and Large dog runs can be found throughout the city, tucked in beside large parks or along the Hudson river.

As you pass by, you see happy furry faces with waggly tails, jumping around playing with their friends, while their owners chat over coffee.

Makes me miss my Jakerman and Sammy J so much, as I watch these dogs having so much fun.

Dog Bed designs are under way and I’m super excited…

I will be home soon enough, and get back on track with blogging about the Beautiful Doggie parks of Vancouver.


Hello Vancouver!

Posted by avatar on September 4, 2013

Manhattan Dog ParkSuper excited to be live here on the new Sammy & Stone website from New York City!

Why am I in NYC while I’m suppose to be blogging about Vancouver? Well I’m here to start a design line of Dog beds designed in New York and made in Canada.

New York is the Meca of Fabrics and Design, not to mention there are a ton of dog lovers here.

Lots more exciting news to come… but in the meantime here is a link to the SPCA Vancouver Events page – if your looking for some Paw friendly events for the remainder of the summer.