
That Park close to home (the weather is awful)

Posted by avatar on January 12, 2014

Rain RAIN RAIN! You get use to it here in Vancouver and I would rather the rain over shoveling snow. I do however want those cold crisp sunny days back. This rain can make you unmotivated. I wanted to share a park that I call my unmotivated park, meaning it’s easy to get to and the dogs love it. Situated along Prior in a small little wedge of Downtown called Strathcona. The park is really large, spreading across 3 large blocks Raymur, Campbell and Hawks.

The side of the park that is closest to Hawks is a very large off leash area and that is great if your dog is ball obsessed, lots of room to through the ball. There are a lot of people who use the park but if your dog is not into being around other dogs there is a perfect place to walk your dog off leash around the back end of the park (large track area) closest to Raymur. This park has room for all Dog personalities.

Do be careful though your dog needs to be on leash traveling from the Hawks side (west)  to the Raymur side (east)…Sometimes there is a annoying city person wanting to hand out tickets to make sure you dog is on a leash and has a license. They are obvious though in their bright colored vest ;). I love watching them trying to give out tickets and seeing people see them first and pull out all their Doggy poop bags and make a leash haha!

The downside to this park is the occasional city person, and the disregard for the park as some people like to break bottles under the Begoda. Best to keep your dog away from that area to avoid getting their paws cut,  keep them on the grass.

A HUGE plus side of this park is the Union Market, Benny’s and the Wilder Snail and Finches Tea House. Where you can sit outside have a coffee/tea, sandwich and enjoy a lazy rain day with your Doggy, that’s the BEST part of East side living, Rain or Shine :D.


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